Scenario 1 - Citizen Science

Keit is a a fresh PhD graduate from the University of Tartu, relocating to Narva as he’s been offered a Lecturer position at Narva Colledge. Keit is fed up with renting and wishes to aquire personal property via applying for a home loan. Keit would be using Kredex guarantee, so he’s looking for a house with high energoefficiency rating. Since the initial deposit would take up a substantial share of savings and is a major future investment, Keit would like to settle in a city district with minimal rate of recent crimes against property.


Keit intends to vizualize locations of enegroefficient houses and see if there are any overlaps with zones where crimes against property were commited. In order to do the vizualizations, Keit gets preprocessed datasets from the Narva open data portal and utilizes basic visualization skills in R (open-source), obtained while attending “Empowering Urban Disruption” MOOC provided as a part of “Welcome to Narva” information package.


Source Dataset Temporality
Ehitisregister Hoone energia märgised 1994-2019
PPA/Infosüsteem POLIS Varavastased süüteod 2018-2019

Extracted datasets (.csv) are also available in Github

Primary columns

Dataset Column name Column type
Varavastased süüteod ValdLinnNimetus string
Varavastased süüteod KohtLiik string
Varavastased süüteod Kahjusumma number
Varavastased süüteod Lat-EPSG:3301 coordinates
Varavastased süüteod Lon-EPSG:3301 coordinates
Hoone energia märgised taisaadress string
Hoone energia märgised hoone_tyyp string
Hoone energia märgised energia_klass string



Blue markers - individual locations of residential buildings in Narva that have energoefficiency rating assigned, dataset from Ehitisregister, 1994-2019

Blue circles - zones (center points of 500m * 500m rectangles as provided by PPA to obfuscate actual crime scenes, originally in EPSG:3301 coordinate system) where crimes against property (crime location - apartment) were commited in Narva, color intensity corresponds to number of crimes within the zone, dataset by PPA (from POLIS infosystem), 2018-2019

Alternative map link: NarvaOpenData app

Transformed datasets (.csv) are also available in Github

Data transformation script (R) could be found in scenario.r
